Thursday, November 20, 2008

4 day work week

well, daniel and i started a 4 day work week. meaning we work 40 hrs per week in 4 days instead of 5. So far it has made for a long week, but it's so worth it to have fridays off!!
I work 730am-6pm mon-thurs off on friday
Daniel works 715am-6pm mon, wed-friday . he is off on tues.
it does stink that we have different days off, but daniel's changes every month, mine is stuck for 6 months.
we are still working out the kinks. but so far so good.

murder mystery party.

ok. so this was back on nov 4, and i'm a little late posting pics. but here are some from our sunday school classes murder mystery party. and thanks to becca for setting it all up!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


i just want to say that the bailout is a stupid idea. It is not going to help anything. Why are we saving those companies that made stupid decisions?? they are the ones that made loans that they knew at some point their lenders wouldn't be able to pay back (hello variable rate loans). plus they probably gave a lot of loans to those who lied on the application and didn't have enough money to begin with. Its the banks fault, and i don't think we should bail them out. Plus how is the government going to give out 700 billion dollars when they themselves are in trillions of dollars in debt?? and how is this going to make the banks learn?? this isn't going to solve ANY of our problems. how about you divide that 700 billion among the american people?? we deserve it more than the banks!! I would rather no one be able to get a loan, then get a loan that they can't pay back. It would help the american people think twice about if they really need a particular item. if you don't have the money for it, do you really need it???

Monday, September 15, 2008

current yard pics

with getting hardly any rain this summer, we sure got some about 2 weeks ago. here is the growth of our plants since the rain (a before and after pics --


new class

Daniel and I have signed up for Sacred Marriage, a bible study class up at church. so far its been awesome. we'll keep you posted on the progress ..

Monday, August 25, 2008

I'm still alive

Just wanted to let everyone know the julian clan is still alive. :) we do not have the internet at our house anymore (mainly one extra thing to save $ on that we don't really need). So i will be checking email and stuff probably once a week. I do have a funny story (and when i get the pictures loaded onto my computer I will post them on here).

Daniel mowed the lawn yesterday -- and the dogs decided to help. Well, in the end our dogs looked like they had green socks on! it was very funny. It was more noticeable on our little white dog, Snowball, rather than daisy. :) It was pretty funny. 
have a good week! 

Sunday, August 3, 2008

New Lenses

So today I went and got new lenses for my glasses. I had my eyes tested back in may but was just now able to get the money together to get them. I usually have to go ever year to get them tested, (which is usually in november) but i got to go a little longer this time. And guess what .... my eyes actually got better. I'm going to say its b/c i have graduated and no longer have my eyes in a book most nights studying/straining my eyes. But it's also weird b/c  I sit at a computer all day for work so i would think that that would strain them even worse. But who knows. 

So we went to the mall, and we ordered the lenses and they said it would take about an hr. And then they took my glasses! So for an hr Daniel and I walked around the mall. Now I'm not totally blind, but things were pretty fuzzy.  I probably looked dumb looking at things b/c everything i looked at I had to hold up to my face so I could see it. Plus if anyone I knew walked by, I wouldn't have been able to know who it was. Luckily daniel tried his best to let me know if he saw anyone we knew before we got to them and said hi. 
After our hr was up we went to get my glasses back. they adjusted them and cleaned them and thought we were good to go. we got out to the car and i realized that my lenses had a scratch on them. soooo ... we went back and dropped them off again and they said they would get a new lens and that the machine probably scratched them as they were putting them in. 
By this point daniel and i were sick of the mall so we went over to academy. we were only there about 10 min when the glasses place called me back. they had put the old lens in instead of the new one! Daniel and I had a good chuckle and left academy and went and got my glasses (again). and this time it was done right! :)  So I am now able to see clearly and I am glad. :) 

Friday, August 1, 2008


it finally rained!! yay!! i don't think it's rained for at least 3 weeks, so this is nice! My "drought resistant" plants were started to look like they needed water! I guess I would be too if it had been 100 the past week with no rain. 

oh well.
yay for rain!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

fun at the gun range

I feel weird for saying this, but our church had a father and son shoot out day at the gun range today. And even though daniel and I do not have any children, we do own 2 guns and wanted to go shoot, and they said we were more than welcome to come out. I haven't shot in a while, and I did have fun. I'm really glad I have never had to use the gun for home protection (which is why we have them in the first place). Here are some pics:

An awesome shot that daniel took of me shooting. if you look closely you can see the clip flying out. 
Sorry this and a couple of others are sideways -- but this is Ryan. 
and this is DJ
Daniel is waiting patiently for his turn. 
Kenny and his son Josh (who didn't seem to interested in shooting) 
Jayme and his daughter Hailey.
Kert, watching Matt and Kert's brother. 
Kert showing everyone how its done. :) 

Saturday, July 12, 2008

allergies, allergies, allergies

Well, my whole life I have struggled on and off with my allergies. In the past year or two  it just seemed to get worse. There were two weeks last month that I just couldn't really do anything. I was just so exhausted. Thursday I went and got my allergies tested. I'm pretty much allergic to every type of tree, grass, weed that is native to texas (also, house dust/mites) -- but i'm not allergic to any food or my 2 dogs. :) So I started to get allergy shots this week. My first one was yesterday, and I feel a little bit better. I know that I will have to go a couple of more times for the effect to really take place. Also they put me on clarinex d and some nose spray stuff to take as well. hopefully as I get more of the shots, I will have to take those less and less.  If anyone has any helpful suggestions on allergies, please let me know. Today I will be cleaning my house from top to bottom and hopefully that will help as well. 

Friday, July 11, 2008

Our little dog is goofy

Daniel went to let the dogs into the house, and our little dog, snowball, decided she wanted to play in the waterfall of the pond ....


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I didn't get it

sadly, i didn't get the job i mentioned earlier. i guess i will keep on looking -- though where am i supposed to go after my alma mater denied me a job??? hmm ... 

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Just a couple more yard pics

New Pond Lights (and some pics of the pond)

One of the first things daniel did when we moved into our new house was dig a BIG hole for a pond -- it took about a year, but we finally finished it about a year ago and have gotten to enjoy it. It has fish, plants and a bridge. Tonight Daniel and I put in some outdoor lights. (They were a bday present thanks to daniel's mom). So here are some pictures, and some other pictures of the pond during the day.


Daniel and I went to see this at the drive-in last week. I wasn't too sure what to expect b/c the previews really didn't give you much. While it gets kind of annoying just listening to robot talk for the first half of the movie, I say it was pretty good. It has a great message to it. It's not preachy about it either (which i have heard comments about) its just letting us know that we need to take care of the earth, and not trash it. It's a gift that God has given us, and that's not something to take for granted. I think I also liked it just b/c that is my major -- Environmental Science -- and it was nice to see a movie on this kind of topic other than documentaries that usually don't give you the whole story. It was something the whole family could enjoy -- and I hope it got people thinking about how we live now, and how somethings do need to change. B/C right now, we do not have the ability of being able to live in outer space -- and I'm pretty sure we're not going to find a place to live on any other planet -- This is the only one we got and we need to take care of it.

Friday, June 20, 2008


well, i got some good news today. I applied for a job and they want me to come in for an interview!! it's for a lab manager/safety coordinator at one of the colleges here in town. I'm very excited!! This job would be great! wish me luck! 

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

3 days down, 2 more to go!!

So, I have been helping out at VBS up at church. I signed up to help with the crafts. There are four groups that come in pre k -k, 1st - 2nd, 2nd - 3rd and finally 3rd - 4th. The past two days weren't too bad, but today was probably the longest. Usually the groups each had a different craft, today however they were all doing the same thing. They were decorating flower pots to put dirt and 3 pea seeds in to take home and water and grow and give to a friend/family member/other various person. (The whole theme this week is serving others. ) The kids took a long time decorating, and didn't get a chance to make the "sweet pea" sign and fence to put in the pot -- so we had some of the other helpers make them while the kids decorated. We made everyone late b/c we weren't able to finish on time. :) but its all good. It's great to see the smiling faces of the kids and how much fun they have doing the craft. Plus they are really good at making a big mess (which is always fun to clean up. :)) 

Monday, June 9, 2008

my first post

Well, I guess I can start off by telling a little bit about myself.

I have two dogs. Daisy a border collie/terrier mix who weighs about 50 pounds. And Snowball, a west highland terrier mix who is about 15 pounds. Both of them we adopted from the pound and if we had enough room/money we'd probably adopt some more.
My husband's name is Daniel. We have been married for 3 years (as of June 3rd).
Here are some pics of the Julian clan: