Monday, August 25, 2008

I'm still alive

Just wanted to let everyone know the julian clan is still alive. :) we do not have the internet at our house anymore (mainly one extra thing to save $ on that we don't really need). So i will be checking email and stuff probably once a week. I do have a funny story (and when i get the pictures loaded onto my computer I will post them on here).

Daniel mowed the lawn yesterday -- and the dogs decided to help. Well, in the end our dogs looked like they had green socks on! it was very funny. It was more noticeable on our little white dog, Snowball, rather than daisy. :) It was pretty funny. 
have a good week! 

Sunday, August 3, 2008

New Lenses

So today I went and got new lenses for my glasses. I had my eyes tested back in may but was just now able to get the money together to get them. I usually have to go ever year to get them tested, (which is usually in november) but i got to go a little longer this time. And guess what .... my eyes actually got better. I'm going to say its b/c i have graduated and no longer have my eyes in a book most nights studying/straining my eyes. But it's also weird b/c  I sit at a computer all day for work so i would think that that would strain them even worse. But who knows. 

So we went to the mall, and we ordered the lenses and they said it would take about an hr. And then they took my glasses! So for an hr Daniel and I walked around the mall. Now I'm not totally blind, but things were pretty fuzzy.  I probably looked dumb looking at things b/c everything i looked at I had to hold up to my face so I could see it. Plus if anyone I knew walked by, I wouldn't have been able to know who it was. Luckily daniel tried his best to let me know if he saw anyone we knew before we got to them and said hi. 
After our hr was up we went to get my glasses back. they adjusted them and cleaned them and thought we were good to go. we got out to the car and i realized that my lenses had a scratch on them. soooo ... we went back and dropped them off again and they said they would get a new lens and that the machine probably scratched them as they were putting them in. 
By this point daniel and i were sick of the mall so we went over to academy. we were only there about 10 min when the glasses place called me back. they had put the old lens in instead of the new one! Daniel and I had a good chuckle and left academy and went and got my glasses (again). and this time it was done right! :)  So I am now able to see clearly and I am glad. :) 

Friday, August 1, 2008


it finally rained!! yay!! i don't think it's rained for at least 3 weeks, so this is nice! My "drought resistant" plants were started to look like they needed water! I guess I would be too if it had been 100 the past week with no rain. 

oh well.
yay for rain!