Wednesday, October 1, 2008


i just want to say that the bailout is a stupid idea. It is not going to help anything. Why are we saving those companies that made stupid decisions?? they are the ones that made loans that they knew at some point their lenders wouldn't be able to pay back (hello variable rate loans). plus they probably gave a lot of loans to those who lied on the application and didn't have enough money to begin with. Its the banks fault, and i don't think we should bail them out. Plus how is the government going to give out 700 billion dollars when they themselves are in trillions of dollars in debt?? and how is this going to make the banks learn?? this isn't going to solve ANY of our problems. how about you divide that 700 billion among the american people?? we deserve it more than the banks!! I would rather no one be able to get a loan, then get a loan that they can't pay back. It would help the american people think twice about if they really need a particular item. if you don't have the money for it, do you really need it???